
Swim baby swim!!

A totally inappropriate but HILARIOUS cartoon I found to kick off my blog today.


My follicles are rockin their little socks off!! WOOHOOO!

My ultrasound went super duper awesome today and so I gave myself a trigger shot (to force my body to ovulate) with the BIGGEST needle IN THE WORLD!!!

ok, ok maybe it wasn’t THAT big

…at 1:15 today.  Annnd tomorrow morning we make the drive to Dallas at 5 am *gasp* to get the IUI.

I am OVER THE MOOOOOOON!  Tomorrow is the day we will make a baby.  I just know it will work.  And I know in my heart it will stick this time.

So I need y’all to do me a favor…

Say a prayer, cross your fingers, rub Buddha’s belly, throw salt over your shoulder, light a candle… whatever you do… do it!  K?

Please???  I will owe ya.  Kay?

Cheers to BM10!!!

PS… Please also say a prayer for my sanity tomorrow because we are going to have to take Monkey to Dallas with us.  The sitter can’t be here because she has a once a year seminar she has to attend for school.  (what are the chances?)  So little Monkey is going to have to make the trek with us.  Which should be awkward to say the least but I am trying to stay positive about it.  *all smiles*

sign 102609

12 Responses to “Swim baby swim!!”

  1. February 19, 2010 at 4:28 pm

    BM10 is in full swing. Sending prayers your way and assorted other good thoughts!!!

  2. February 19, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    THAT is the funniest cartoon, 🙂

    Good luck!!! I am crossing my fingers AND toes!!!

  3. February 19, 2010 at 10:26 pm

    I wish I was closer cause your Monkey could totally come over and play with my Monkey! (Well that didn’t sound quite right, but you know what I meant.) You are totally having a baby in November…I see a Scorpio in your future! Well my crystal ball broke last week, but I am telling ya it’s going to happen. 😉

  4. February 20, 2010 at 9:20 am

    I know BM stands for baby makin but I can’t help but giggle at it’s other meaning!! I will be doing all of the above for you if it will help make that baby stick! Good luck…with the baby and the monkey!!

  5. February 23, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    I know I’m reading this late – I’ve been slacking, but I am wishing you the best. Let us all know right away how everything went! My thoughts are with you.

  6. February 23, 2010 at 9:48 pm

    hope monkey was your lucky charm!

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about moi…

Hi, my name is Cass. I am married to an amazing man who loves me unconditionally. I’m a stay at home mom to a rockin’ 2 year old boy who I call Monkey. I have an 12 year old step-daughter who lives in another state. We miss her daily. We also have two fur babies, Daisy and Jazz, who keep us on our toes. They are awesome!

I am a complete goofball, a photographer and a constant out loud thinker. I am a grammar challenged, vulgar, cursing, sex obsessed Big Mama fumbling through life. Among other things, I battle PCOS causing infertility, Bi Polar, Anxiety and OCD.

Currently I am riding the fertility roller coaster in an attempt to make Monkey #2. This blog is about a little of everything. I hope you enjoy. Read at your own risk!


my photography page:


my validation!
