
Blue to Brown WHAM!

This blog was originally posted on MySpace.

Good morning loved ones!!

What is new with us you ask? Well… Jimmy is doing awesome! He is learning new things every day. No he isn’t walking yet, but since he is only 4 months, I suppose we won’t put any pressure on him to get a move on. Haha! However, we do have a bit of new news to report. Because he LOVES to surprise me with new things, Jimmy decided to do just that this morning when I went to get him from his brand new bedroom. Last night when I put my beautiful angel to bed, he had those big blue eyes you all know and love. Well smarty pants him decided to wake up with big BROWN eyes today! And of course, being me, I have photographic proof! Haha This was taken yesterday at 10 in the morning. Sorry it isn’t a great picture of his eyes, but apparently I didn’t plan ahead well enough for the “changing of the eyes”. Haha


Then this morning almost exactly 24 hours later, I took this…


Now I don’t know about you, but I think that was just crazy fast!!

Make sure to check out my new photo blog on my new profile too! Family Portraits I am really proud of it!!

Hope everyone has an amazing day!

Love is an amazing thing
You can’t see it
You can’t touch it
You can’t smell it
Yet from the time we are born, it is there, all around us.


about moi…

Hi, my name is Cass. I am married to an amazing man who loves me unconditionally. I’m a stay at home mom to a rockin’ 2 year old boy who I call Monkey. I have an 12 year old step-daughter who lives in another state. We miss her daily. We also have two fur babies, Daisy and Jazz, who keep us on our toes. They are awesome!

I am a complete goofball, a photographer and a constant out loud thinker. I am a grammar challenged, vulgar, cursing, sex obsessed Big Mama fumbling through life. Among other things, I battle PCOS causing infertility, Bi Polar, Anxiety and OCD.

Currently I am riding the fertility roller coaster in an attempt to make Monkey #2. This blog is about a little of everything. I hope you enjoy. Read at your own risk!


my photography page:


my validation!
